Sunday, March 23, 2014

Service Project Presentation Reflection Prompt

1.  Name of Cohort Meeting
2.  What are 3 things that you learned at the meeting? Briefly reflect on each.
3.  Reflect on the presentation. What went well? What didn't go so well? Do you feel as though you were as prepared as you could have been? 
4.  Think about a time in your life when you went through an enormous change. What was the change, and how did you deal with it?
5.  Include a photo from your week that is connected in some way to what was discussed during this week’s meeting. 

Monday, March 3, 2014

February 28th Meeting Reflection Prompt

1.       Name of Cohort Meeting
2.       What are 3 things that you learned at the meeting? Briefly reflect on each.
3.     Think about the aspects of campus culture that you talked about in our meeting. Can you think of specific examples of our campus culture that can be connected to the theories presented in the book? (The three levels: artifacts, espoused beliefs, assumptions, Deal and Kennedy’s framework: values, heroes, rites and rituals, communication networks, Bolman and Deal’s four frames: structural, human resource, political, and symbolic.) Make a few specific connections. 
4.   Are you ready for the service project presentation? What are you worried for? What are you excited for?
5.       Include a photo from your week that is connected in some way to what was discussed during this week’s meeting. 

Friday, February 14, 2014

February 14th Meeting Reflection Prompt

1.       Name of Cohort Meeting
2.       What are 3 things that you learned at the meeting? Briefly reflect on each.
3.     Discuss how your values play into your personal leadership philosophy. How do you make decisions as a leader that are congruent with your personal values? 
4.       Why is leadership important in complex organizations?

5.       Include a photo from your week that is connected in some way to what was discussed during this week’s meeting. 

Saturday, February 1, 2014

January 31 Meeting Reflection Prompt

1.  Name of cohort meeting
2.  What are 3 things you learned? Briefly reflect on each.
3.  How can you use what we learned about groups in your future work with your cohort in planning the service project? What kind of role do you tend to play when you are in a group? What role do you think it would be the most difficult for you to play?
5. What is your definition of leadership? Has it changed since the beginning of the program? If so, how?
6.  Include a photo from your week that is connected in some way to what was discussed during this week’s meeting.

Saturday, January 18, 2014

January 17th Meeting Reflection Prompt

1.       Name of cohort meeting
2.       What are 3 things you learned? Briefly reflect on each.
3.   What is your idea of a community? How would you describe your ideal community, and how can you bring in a theory we discussed in creating an ideal community?
5.      What is your definition of a team? How are teams different from communities? 

6.       Include a photo from your week that is connected in some way to what was discussed during this week’s meeting.

Sunday, December 8, 2013

December 6th Meeting Reflection Prompt

1.  Name of cohort meeting
2.  What are 3 things you learned? Briefly reflect on each.
3. What are you looking forward to about the next semester? How do you feel about the service project? Do you have any concerns? Name one major goal that you identified at the meeting and how you plan to execute it.
4. What are your plans for winter break?
5. Include a photo from your week that is connected in some way to what was discussed during this week’s meeting.


Saturday, November 16, 2013

November 16th – Leadership Academy

      1.     What are 3 things you learned at Leadership Academy? Briefly reflect on each.
2.     What was your favorite part of the Leadership Academy? Did anything surprise you? What do you feel is the most important/valuable thing that you will take away from the experience? Why?
3.     If you had to sum up each session in a few words, what would they be? (Sessions were Values, Ethics, and Commitment?
4.     What role do you think ethics plays in leadership? How will this influence your service project?
5.     If you can, include a picture from your experience.